Dr Linique van Deventer-Vogel

Porcelain Veneers

Beautiful and enduring

Porcelain veneers, especially when produced by a skilled dentist, are an excellent way to lengthen, repair, straighten, whiten, and restore your teeth.

These thin ceramic shells are fused to the front of teeth to cover discolorations, brighten the smile, and improve it.

The porcelain veneers can achieve a tenacious bond to the tooth, resulting in an aesthetically pleasing naturalness that is unsurpassed by other restorative options. They are highly resistant to permanent staining from coffee, tea, or even cigarette smoking, and they can achieve a tenacious bond to the tooth, resulting in an aesthetically pleasing naturalness that is unsurpassed by other restorative options.

What are the Benefits of Dental Veneers?

One of the key advantages of veneers is how they improve the appearance of your teeth. Because the veneer is made of your original teeth, there is no need for surgery, and recuperation time is cut in half. Furthermore, as  the veneers are custom-made to match your existing teeth, they will blend in seamlessly, and no one will know you’ve had any cosmetic dentistry work done. They’re also constructed of stain-resistant material, which is a plus. This implies that even if your favorite beverage is a hot cup of coffee, your teeth will remain whiter and brighter. Dental veneers can be used to improve the appearance of your smile.

Do veneers have the same sensation as natural teeth?

Porcelain is quite similar to natural enamel in terms of appearance and feel. It should feel like a normal tooth when the tongue passes across a porcelain veneer. Veneers are custom-made to fit over teeth and gums, resulting in a more natural appearance and sensation when speaking, biting, or chewing, as well as when the mouth is closed.

Do Veneers protect teeth from cavities?

Veneers are exclusively applied to the front of teeth. Tooth decay is shielded to some extent on the covered region of the tooth. The sides and back of the tooth or teeth, however, are not covered by the veneer, therefore cavities can still form. To reduce this danger, it is critical to maintain appropriate oral hygiene following porcelain veneer treatment.

Are veneers harmful to your teeth?

A tiny bit of surface enamel must be removed from a tooth before a porcelain veneer can be placed for the best fit and bond. The amount of enamel removed, however, is so little that the tooth retains its strength and resistance to normal wear and tear.

how long do veneers last?

Porcelain veneers are usually quite long-lasting. These tooth-covers can tolerate a lot of use. They do not, however, last indefinitely. After the original treatment, patients should expect to need veneer replacement 10 to 15 years later. Veneers that are not well cared for on a regular basis may need to be replaced in as little as 5 to 7 years.

We provide the newest way to whiten, straighten, close gaps, and repair chips for individuals who desire an even more conservative way to improve their teeth.

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